Monday, May 10, 2010


So, Derek and I signed up for "Survivor Boot Camp" on the weekend, which is a franchise owned by his friend Michelle. Today was day 1, 6:00 am at Weaselhead, which is part of Glenmore Reservoir just south of us. We could ride our bikes there if we were that motivated. We were not.

It was tough, but great! I discovered a talent for running and a distaste for burpees. Derek liked the guided workout but could have done without the 4:30 am alarm.

We will be going 3 days a week, and hopefully it warms up, because it was eff-ing freezing this morning, and we did not think to bring gloves. The frost was just settling in, and those hand weights get really cold! There were 4 other new people, and one of them didn't make it through the entire workout, so that's a good sign for us. We made it through, and I feel great! Derek's legs are very sore, but he didn't crawl back into bed when we got home, so hooray for small victories!

Nap time is later this afternoon!

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